Noake's Worcestershire Page 226


and Job Orton, the eccentric landlord of the Bell Inn towards the close of the last century, who is said to have been buried upright in order that he should rise from his grave before his wife!

The tradesmen of Kidderminster who coined their own tokens in the seventeenth century were (so far as hitherto ascertained) Thomas Balamey, Francis Carter, Edward Chamberlin, William Mountford, Lawrence Pearsall, Simon Pitt, Richard Eadford, Edmund and William Reade, John Rowden, Neville Simmons, Thomas Sadler, Walter Thatcher, and R. M. B. at the Raven. Most of these were weavers, others were innkeepers, one was a bookseller, and another a chandler. Kidderminster paid £21 for ship money in the time of Charles I, while Droitwich paid £62, and Worcester £233. Curious customs formerly prevailed in this town. An old book (1790) says: "At Kidderminster is a singular custom. On the election of a Bailiff the inhabitants assemble in the principal street to throw cabbage stalks at each other. The Town House bell gives signal for the affray. This is called lawless hour. This done (for it lasts an hour), the Bailiff-elect and the Corporation in their robes, preceded by drums and fifes (for they have no waits), visit the old and new bailiffs, constables, &c., attended by the mob. In the meantime the most respectable families in the neighbourhood are invited to meet, and fling apples at them at their entrance. I have known forty pots of apples expended at gne house." "Heaving" or "lifting," on Easter Monday, formerly prevailed.

Old names of places in the parish : Tipper's Oak, Jenny Hole, Danesford, Cussfleld, Holland, Jerusalem, Ellarne Field, Cop Hill, Battle Field, Jack's Stile, Upper Street Leasow, Aggborough, Hoar Stone, Little Gain, The Bite, Lightmatch, Crundels, Honey Bottom, &c.

Some historical notes of occurrences in the present century may conclude this chapter: 1805, W. Dalton, convicted of a burglary at Kidderminster, was hung at Red Hill, Worcester. 1807, February 25, Mary Davies publicly whipped at Kidder-