Noake's Worcestershire Page 315


she jumped from the battlements of a church into Mr. Talbot's arms, but he was struck senseless, and with difficulty restored to life, whereupon the stern old father relented, and the twain were made one.

A flight of steps leading down from the churchyard into a woody dingle is called "Jacob's Ladder."


SITUATE four miles from Evesham, on the Cheltenham road, and nearly surrounded by Gloucestershire. Was given to the Church of Worcester by Duke Aldred of the Wiccians, in 790, to supply the table of the monks, and remained with that church till the Dean and Chapter recently gave up their estates to the Ecclesiastical Commissioners. There is an acreage of 1,013, and a population of 354, almost entirely engaged in agriculture. Has a large Perpendicular church, which contains the rood screen and some seventeenth century seats. The church is to be restored by Mrs. Barber, widow of the late incumbent, and Mr. Butterfield is engaged for the work. Rector, Rev. L. S. Gray; patrons, Dean and Chapter of Worcester; value of living, £228; church accommodation, 200; free seats, 60.

A few years ago, upon deepening the channel of the brook in this parish, some spear-heads and pieces of Roman armour were found, with portions of celts and some large antlers. The ancient Ryknild Street is said to have been traced west of the village.