Art, Design and Psychology

Indicative Reading in Contemporary Psychology

Bachelard, J. [1994] The Poetics of Space
Barthes, R. [2000] Camera Lucida: Reflections of Photography
Bryson, N. [1983] Vision and Painting: The Logic of the Gaze , [1994] Visual Culture
Crary, J. [1999] Suspensions of Perception, alienation, spectacle and Modern Culture
Deeley, J. N. [1990] The Basics of Semiotics
Brumberg, Joan Jacobs (2000) Fasting girls : the history of anorexia nervosa Doy, G. [2000] Black Visual Culture
Frosh, Stephen [1991] Identity Crisis: Modernity, Psychoanalysis & the Self
Isaak, Jo-Anna. [1996] Feminism and Contemporary Art: The Revolutionary Power of Women's Laughter
Klein, N. [2001] No Logo: no space, no choice, no jobs
Maslow, A.H. [1976] The Farther reaches of Human Nature
Minsky, R. [1996] Psychoanalysis and Gender: an Introductory Reader
Seckel, A. [2002] The Fantastic World of Optical Illusions

Supplementary Reading

Burkitt, I. [1991] Social Selves: Theories of the Social Formation of Personality
Burman, Erica [1991] Deconstructing Developmental Psychology [1994] Visual Theory
Brehm, Sharon & Kassin, Saul [1996] Social Psychology
Dalton, Peggy [1992] A Psychology for Living: Personal construct theory for beginners
Doy, G. [1995] Seeing and Consciousness: Women, Class and Representation
Evans, J. & Hall, S. (eds.) [1999] Visual Culture: The Reader
Freeman, M. P. [1993] Re-writing the Self: History, Memory, Narrative
Gergen, K.J. [1991] The Saturated Self: Dilemmas of Identity in Contemporary Life
Glusberg, George [1991] Deconstruction: a students guide
Harre, Rom [1983] Personality
Hearn, Jeff [1992] Men in the Public Eye
Kvale, S. (Ed.) [1992] Psychology and Postmodernism
Middleton, P. [1992]The Inward Gaze: Masculinity and Subjectivity in Modern Culture
Oatley, Keith & Jenkins, Jennifer [1996] Understanding Emotions
Parker, I. & Shotter, J. [1990] Deconstructing Social Psychology
Shotter, J. & Gergen, K. (Eds) [1990] Texts of Identity
Thomas, G. & Silk, A. [1990] An Introduction to the Psychology of Children's Drawing
Widdicombe, S. [1993] Language of Use: Self-conscious Social Identity in Action
Wade, N. [1990] Visual Allusions: pictures of perception
Woodall, J. [1996] Portraiture: the visual construction of Identity
Zeki, S. [1999] Inner Vision: an exploration of art and the brain