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01/10/04 Whats Happening?

The web site has been inactive for quite some time now. Finishing uni & working coupled with a bit of laziness. Were in the process of organising the next few events if the union permits it. At the moment there is a situation which means that we have been offered a week night. Hopefully we will be able to make the right people understand how we do things in the society with the large events. Come find us at freshers fayre where you can come and have a chat with one of the committee members. We should also have a few mini bus trips this year. Unfortunately last year was a little stagnant, although the event in February was a HUGE success - all credit to Jack - we acutally made money at a time of year where we would normally make a loss. A huge thankyou to everyone who attended. Lets hope this year will prove to be a fun and successful one.

Next Event TBA

The next Alchemy event should be toward the end of next month. Keep an eye out for flyers, posters around the union closer to the time and the web site.

Anyone who feels they have enough spare time to put asside to help in the running of the society and who have a keen intrest in the music... please contact Society@portsmouthdnb.co.uk and describe why you would like to help and what you can offer.

Any creative suggestions welcome by contacting the society. Please email me Society@portsmouthdnb.co.uk