Adeptus Astra Telepathica- The Linkpage


Sites marked 'H Warning' may have some hentai (adult) content. They should not be visited by unsupervised children!


Warhammer Links

(coming soon?)



MUGEN links

The Mugen English page (H Warning)


Mugen4Ever- pretty much the best Mugen site there is! (H Warning)


Elecbyte (the makers of Mugen!)


TESTP- The Mugen testers, source of some great characters.


FallenAngel's page- featuring superb Mugen tutorials



Anime Links


Little Purple Dragon's Anime Picture Shrines - a truly great fanart site! (H Warning)


The Amazing Chet's Page - page of a friend featuring fan-fiction, anime links, etc.


United Publications- a UK company specialising in importing Anime and Manga


Music Links one of the foremost free music sites on the net


Iron Maiden's webpage- Up the Irons!


Shadow Gallery's webpage- A sadly ignored group..


Skyclad! An incredible band!


ISP Links


Totalise- an ISP offering free net access, plus webspace and company shares!

If you decide to join Totalise, please mention me as having made a referral- that way I get some bonus shares! :)