'Destroyer' Khorne Land Raider

About the Model

This monster is a simple but effective conversion of the old Land Raider model, with the addition of a spiked Death Roller to represent the 'Destroyer' vehicle upgrade. The roller itself is a piece of plastic pipe, cut to fit, with skeleton spear heads attached to make the spikes. The curved blades are taken from a Dark Eldar Raider. In order to let the roller turn freely, the ends are glued to small round shields with holes in the middle, which then have small pieces of round sprue poked into them to form a spindle. The enormous gun at the top is taken from a Space Crusade Chaos Dreadnought, and for the really detail-obsessed, the aerial is taken from a Battlefleet Gothic Chaos Cruiser.

Using the Model

A Land Raider seems to be one of the very few vehicles in a Chaos army that can get away with using the 'Destroyer' reward. Its thick all-round armour tends to allow it to survive those irritating 'Death or Glory' attacks that seem to plague vehicles trying Tank Shock. Despite this, this tank has so far failed to run anyone down, but it does scare people and attract a large amount of fairly futile fire!