Lucille De La Rose

About the Model

Lucille's chariot is basically a High Elf chariot with the wheels and scythes from a plastic Undead Chariot. The cloth drapes and Lucille's cushions (in the chariot) are made from Green Stuff. The chariot's figurehead was chopped off and replaced with a Daemonic face from the bits box (cop out, I know, but I can't remember what I got it off .... ). The slave driving the chariot is a very old Citadel Barbarian model, slightly reposed. In case you haven't noticed yet, the model for the sorceress herself is Lucrecia Belladonna.

Using the Model

This is a very scary chariot to face down! The Steeds give it a basic movement rate of 12" and a charge range of 24", making it very difficult to avoid getting charged by. A high level sorceress in the back lets you get those unpleasant Slaanesh spells off at very short ranges, as well as making it all but irresistible when it charges.