Bahl the Faceless, on Disc-Drawn Chariot

About the Model

Bahl's chariot is a giant disc, made from Milliput. The disc was made in two sections, firstly the deck itself, and then the lower body complete with mouth. The two smaller discs were then connected on with chain distance to keep the chains tight. Bahl himself is a Disc Rider model with a weapon swap, and his banner bearer is a Chaos Marauder with a banner pole in place of the flail.

Using the Model

Bahl's chariot is another very scary one. It moves 12" and charges 24", and I tend to use it as having scythes (I imagine this as some sort of magical discharge when it charges). Bahl is often my general, and a Sorcerer Lord of Tzeentch zipping about on this thing is very scary indeed!