The Ecclesiarcy


The rantings of a deranged heretic


INQUISITION FILE REF- 01974-4I-TRP- Cross Ref 'Tyrant of Bultitude'

Only known pictorial data on the Deviant known as 'Majere' (349-Delta reports Cabal honorifics of 'Tim' or 'Oi')

NOTE for Assassinorum records

ITEM> Possible prescence of Thoth's levitating hand familiar (note lack of visible supports)

ITEM> Confirmed sighting of highly dangerous Chaos Familiar R-Hoz (see upper right- note distorted focus due to chaotic influence.)

Conclusion: Termination with extreme prejudice sanctioned by High Lords of Terra as of 325/06232000.M3



Or not.

If you're just here for the MUGEN related stuff and that all really confused you then sorry- but try checking out the rest of Red Giant anyway, you may find something interesting.



The arch-deviant known as Majere, or 'me', currently resides in the deepest, darkest depths of Norfolk on the east coast of England. I'm an alarming twenty-six years of age- and still resolutely single.. :P

I'm currently doing my level best to break into the games industry, which is part of the reason for the existence of this attempt at a web page. As well as my fairly obvious obsession with MUGEN and Warhammer, I'm a major fan of all kinds of anime, as well as the music of Iron Maiden, Skyclad etc. (Lets face it, you don't really give a monkeys about this. Check the Adeptus Astra Telepathica for links to my various interests)


I'm planning to use this page to showcase anything vaguely creative I might happen to come up with, in the hopes that someone might see some of it and offer me gainful employment.... well, you never know, it could happen. Anyway, for the moment that means lots of Warhammer stuff, and lots of Mugen characters. I may also be uploading short stories, fan art, or anything else I happen to come up with. The only things you certainly won't be finding on this page are my game design ideas. I do have them, and IMHO they're pretty good, but if anyone thinks I'm going to leave them lying around they can dream on.. ;P


This page will be updated. That's about the only promise I'm making about it. I'll try to put a note on the first page when an update occurs, but the problem with being a creative dynamo is keeping everyone up to date on what I'm up to...
