Monmouth Methodist Church

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Contact: Olivia McLachlan

The Junior Church at Monmouth Methodist Church has grown in the recent months. So much so, that the Sunday School now provides three groups to cater for the different age groups. There is a Crèche for the under 3s, a younger group for the 3-5 year olds and an older group which currently has members aged 6+. The groups enjoy a range of themed activities which follow an accessible bible based programme including, stories, craft, music, dance, drama, discussion and prayer.

The young people are a valuable part of church life and come into the end of each service to tell the congregation what they have been learning about and show their artwork.

The church are thrilled to welcome so many young families and look forward to expanding the growing Junior Church further. Morning services start at 10.30 each Sunday with a Family Service generally held every 4th Sunday in the month (the children stay in the main Church during family services).

The Creche is staffed by at least one parent and another church member. Primarily the objective is to provide a Christian themed play session enabling the parents to joing the congregation in the service.

The older groups follow a stuctured programme geared to their ages often including stories, craft, prayer, and singing. Junior Church often play an active role in worship especially at festivals.

Junior Church in Musical Progress!