Brotherhood of the Wolf

Reviewed 24/10/01

Now this is odd. A French, historical, Kung Fu, horror movie.

Its pre-revolutionary France, and the citizens of a provincial village are being terrorized by a fearsome wolf. More than a hundred women and children have been killed by the beast, and the locals are having no luck hunting it down. So the king dispatches his zoologist and his Mohawk sidekick to investigate.

This film has lots of nice ideas, and some good action sequences, but it is quite long, and there are some long gaps between fights. It looks as if the director saw Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and decided that's what he wanted.

There is a little too much going on, and the fancy camera work often gets in the way. It is also very noisy, as each punch is accompanied by the sound of a small atomic bomb.

Having said that, it is an interesting film. It certainly will not appeal to everyone, but if you like a little thinking with your action, or if you just want to see what the inside of a pre-revolutionary French brothel looks like, then you could give it a try.


One thing that is not mentioned in the trailers or on the posters, is that the film is in French, with subtitles.

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