
Reviewed by John Gavin Lighterness - 29/12/99

For those not sure exactly who Kevin Smith is, he wrote and directed Clerks, Mallrats, Chasing Amy, and played "Silent Bob" in all three films. Dogma is (surprisingly enough) his fourth film. It stars Linda Fiorentino (The Last Seduction, Men In Black), Matt Damon & Ben Affleck (Good Will Hunting), Alan Rickman (Die Hard, Truly Madly Deeply), and a whole host of Kevin Smith regulars.

Its about a woman who is charged with preventing the world from being destroyed. Simple enough. Except that Angels, Prophets, Demons, Muses and Corpses keep getting in the way.

Yes, its about religion, but it's also about blood'n'guts, and swearing. Theologically it's a bit confused, but that's really not the point. It's more about challenging your preconceived perceptions about Christianity (which to my mind is no bad thing).

The action zips along, and there is a new twist being thrown into the mix every now and then. Matt and Ben do actually work as the Angels, who have slipped more than fallen. And Alan Rickman is great as the eccentric Voice of God.

As you may be able to tell, I enjoyed this film. Its not as all out for laughs as Mr Smith's previous films, but it makes up for that with the plot.

Score 8/10

"You people, If there isn't a movie about it, you just don't want to know!"

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