Three Kings

Reviewed 10/04/00

It took me ages to see this. But it was worth the wait.

As everyone has said before, the trailer didn't really convey the message, feel or point of the film. Neither did the Poster, both try to suggest that this is just another brain dead George Clooney vehicle. But its not. Oh no.

What you get is one of the clearest examples of Hollywood saying "American Foreign Policy is bad, and our government does bad things because of it." Since "Salvador", way back in the 80's.

Not that its a heavy political film. Knowing that you catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar (not that I've actually tried this), the writer/director loads his film with action, comedy and good looking faces. Not only do you get George Clooney, but also Mark Whalberg and Ice Cube, with both ex-rappers acting their socks off.

The film has some strong points to make, and for the most part, does not shy away from them. What was the Gulf War about? Did we have to fight it? What did it achieve? (ten years later and the moustache is still there) The ending could have been different, but that's only my opinion.

The film has some strong points to make, and for the most part, does not shy away from them. What was the Gulf War about? Did we have to fight it?


"Is this the Proctology tent?"

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