John: It's not the fox hunting so much that's horrible it's
the actual people sitting on the horse doing it, I mean
that's the subtext of it, I mean everyone's against fox
hunting etc. but most people hate the people doing it as
well, 'cos they're the last public sort of thing you see
of the stuck up bastards going round the countryside
doing what the fuck they like aren't they? Most other things
have been curtailed now, but it's the last kind of public
arrogance you get with them.

J: Like, "We do this because we can, so we will and
fuck you all."

John: That's it, yeah. It's not even traditional, like they
make out they've been doing it for hundreds of years,
but it's only been like 150 years since they've had this
modern formalised version of it. And most of the people
on those hunts are the pople who've paid three or four
hundred quid to go on them from the City of London.
An' like the tourists - they get loads of Americans and
Germans sat on the horses doing it, and going "Gee,
this is like so traditionally British."

Jay: It's true though innit, they're doing paintball the
next week aren't they? (laughs) They do mad stuff
though like putting blood on the kids' faces, that's just
fucking insane.

: That's what you have to do to join the band,
you have to get blood wiped on your face...

Jay: Your own! (Laughs)

John: I can't even believe that New Labour were so fucking wet they couldn't ban it, y'know.

J: That was my next question, what did you think of them chickening out in supporting that bill?

: Like, how many votes are they gonnna lose, like the fifty votes of the landed gentry or something?
Jay: That's like one per cent of the voting populace - who're gonna vote Tory, so it doesn't matter.
John: But everyone hates it, don't they, so I thought it'd be a populist thing to have (banned), wouldn't it. But like quite a lot of those (New Labour) go on it don't they, people like that Tom Dayell, that Scottish one, he's always asking very pointed questions about [garbled bit on tape] an' you think, "yeah he's on our side" - he's actually pro fox hunting! There's quite a few of them in the Labour party that actually go fox hunting. They do that y'know, you get to there (in power), you get radical, and they buy you out don't they - "You can have this, you can have that, here's your MBE. Oh, and we're having a fox hunt on Saturday, come down. Come down to our party, take some cocaine." It's like the people in the Labour party are the same as the people they were trying to replace. I was speaking to someone the other day whose name I can't say... Y'know this guy who gives Labour crap-loads of money, he had a huge party in his mansion, (this guy I know) went down there an' he said "They're all fuckin' totally coked up. An' you can't tell any difference between a Tory kinda party and a Labour Party party. There were just like people getting off their heads and being dead arrogant and pompous". An he said, "It's just the same fuckers as it's ever been, y'know."

J: Like that bit in Animal Farm were the pigs and the humans are sat down together and no-one can tell the difference... 

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