Keith Crawley

Keith is the Editor in Chief for Deprivo Devianté Productions. His dedication to his art has often lead him to spend many sleepless nights worrying over how a particular scene should be cut together. This dedication shows through in his work, which is meticulous and precise.

Keith is no stranger to directing, as in 1992 he created Star Wars:The Kendo Version, and affectionate, if foul mouthed, spoof on the popular"Star Wars" franchise. In 2004 Keith will once again step into his directing pants as he begins work on the updated version of Star Wars: The Kendo Version. Much like the Mr Lucas, Keith will be filming this new instalment of the saga entirely with digital cameras, and will be making extensive use of digital effects.

As well as his editing and directing hats, Keith is also an accomplished Actor in the Brando/De Nero/Rod Jane and Freddy mould.


Johnny Boy Monster Killer (2002) - Doctor Proctology

Hard Lads (2005) - KC


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