Monmouth Methodist Church
Sunbeams Toddler Group
Sunbeams celebrated their 2nd birthday on 25th Feb 2005 - see report
Sunbeams celebrated their 1st birthday on 27th Feb 2004- see report
The Sunbeams Bring and Buy Sale of 20th Feb 2004 raised over £70 for orphans in India
Sunbeams is a very friendly toddler group for pre-school chldren and their carers, which meets every Friday morning in term time from 10.30am until noon. Everyone is welcome and the atmosphere is relaxed and informal. Children enjoy playing together, doing craft activities and joining in with a singing session and there are refreshments for the adults.
The group began in February 2003 and is regularly attended by 15 - 25 families each week.
We have a small committee who organises the running of the group and are supported by several regular carers who help on a rota to do 'duties' such as setting up, welcoming people in, making the coffee, and clearing away after a sesion. (Of course, this is entirely voluntary and we hope no one feels obliged to participate in duties if they do not wish to do so.)
Sunbeams is a church run toddler group, and as such, the objective of its existence is to be an outreach between the Methodist church and the community. This is achieved in several ways; The minister, Rev. Barry Smith, is very involved in the group and can often be found chatting to people at Sunbeams;. Ladies from the church help with providing refreshments so that those responsible fo children don't have to do this; Some of the craft activities are based on Christian festivals and themes; We have been invited to participate in services and are looking forward to doing this. However, we very much hope that the Christian ethos of the group doesn't 'put off' anyone who wishes to come along simply to enjoy a friendly toddler group.
If you would like any further information about Sunbeams, please contact Olivia McLachlan on 01600 714224.