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facing redundancy!!

It's the first day of Xmas and I am one of the 25 or so others who have been given the boot at Pfizer Australia. Merry Xmas!!

Something to do with costs. We're all too expensive by the sounds of it. And we're not even on 6 figure sums either.

Of course it's all being shifted to India, China and essentially any CRO that will tell upper management that they can do the same quality work for 1/10th of the cost. I wait in anticipation...

It's all been very amusing. Did get one email from the director stating we would be allowed to go home early on the 23rd December. So all is good then!

So if there's anyone out there looking for a Clinical Data Manager or someone with some GIS experience, do get in touch!

Better get back to www.mycareer.com.au then!


"There’s good news and bad news. The bad news is Neil will be taking over both branches and some of you will lose your jobs… On a more positive note the good news is I’ve been promoted - so every cloud… you’re still thinking about the bad news aren’t you?"

A colleague also noticed that the share price jumped after the news:


Pfizer Stock Price

Price (USD):

Year Range:
$20.27 - $29.21

Day High:
Day Low:

Last Updated:
Thursday December 15, 14:17

